Senior Luncheon

Pastor Yost believed that Immanuel Lutheran should be a place where senior community members can socialize and have a good meal served to them.

So, in 2006, Linda Wickert and a group of volunteers started serving soup and sandwiches monthly for 20-25 seniors. In 2008, Bob Crabtree volunteered to lead this wonderful Immanuel volunteer group to increase participation. With publicity in the Star Review and signs placed in local senior centers, participation gradually grew. Glenn Sotherden and George Wickert were responsible for Bingo, while Linda Wickert and her crew served a full lunch that included an entree like ziti, mac and cheese, or ham and scalloped potatoes. The largest crowd was always in November when we had a complete turkey meal. Once, the crowd reached 106! The average attendance was 65-75 seniors.

The seniors loved the speakers and entertainment provided, with the CNS High School Choir being their favorite. There was also monthly trivia with prizes for those who answer the questions best. Most of all, they enjoyed the end of the luncheon when door prizes were given out for the theme of the month, provided by Jackie Bell. In March 2020, the luncheons were put on hold when COVID reached Onondaga County.

After COVID, Senior Luncheons resumed in November of 2022. Please visit our Events page for information about our next Senior Luncheon.